2022 Outreach Grants
Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation is proud to announce $370,000 has been awarded to 74 grantees in its 2022 Education and Community Outreach Grant cycle.
- 37 Education Outreach Grants awarded totaling $185,000
- 37 Community Outreach Grants awarded totaling $185,000
Community Outreach Grants
- Cañones Early Childhood Center – Project Literacy Outreach!: Developmentally-appropriate computer, math, science, and language literacy project for preschool children living in isolated, impoverished, underserved communities.
- Corrales Elementary School – Corrales Community Naturalist Program: Naturalist program focusing on the confluence of life science exploration, environmental stewardship, resource conservation, and land restoration.
- DreamTree Project – First Rural Intermediary AmeriCorps Program Support for Enchanted Circle Corps Members providing community outreach services in Taos County and along the Enchanted Circle.
- Esperanza Shelter – Hope Speaks – Community Outreach & Education: Materials support for shelter outreach and education efforts in the Santa Fe community.
- Friends of the Questa Public Library – Community Computer Upgrade: Update library computers utilized by the adult community members.
- Horses For Healing, Inc. – Social-Emotional + Neurosequential Learning Equine Therapy Summer Program: Social-Emotional and Neurosequential Learning Equine Therapy Summer Program in support of 20 high-need children and youth ages of 13-21 years old and their families.
- Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe – Literacy Tutoring Program: Wage and benefit support for our Workplace Specialist.
- Localogy – Sala Reach Community Programs for Holistic Health: Sala Reach Program offers holistic health and resilience classes and workshops for youth, elders, and those in recovery or coping with addiction and/or trauma.
- Localogy – Questa Stories ~ Voices of the Northern Rio Grande: Gathering, archiving and sharing audio and visual stories: Questa Stories’ community audio interviews and story-sharing strategies grounded in intergenerational learning, community health and connection.
- Los Alamos Community Foundation – Community Capacity Building: Operational support to fuel capacity building and success of Los Alamos-based community nonprofits.
- Main Street Las Vegas Inc. – Vistas De Las Vegas: A citywide mural and placemaking project which will commission artists to create murals in across the city and hire local high school students to work as assistants.
- McCurdy Schools of Northern New Mexico – Project Carino and Social Emotional Learning: Mental health counseling for pre-k through high school students and the acquisition of Social Emotional Learning resource books.
- Millicent Rogers Museum – Mission Possible Continuum: Literature, visual arts, science and museum studies workshops for various age groups ranging from eearly childhoohs to high school.
- New Mexico Association for the Education of Young Children – Social Emotional Learning in North Central New Mexico 2022: Social Emotion Learning professional development workshops for 80 educators/care-givers across Northern New Mexico.
- New Mexico Association of Concert Bands Consortium – Music for Life at the 2022 Association of Concert Bands National Convention in Santa Fe NM: Access to the 2022 week-long Association of Concert Bands National Convention for music students and educators.
- New Mexico Business Excellence – Inspiring Leaders: A Foundation for Change: Leadership and social-emotional skill building shared learning opportunities for 30-40 senior leaders across non-profits, education, and private sectors.
- New Mexico Friends of Foster Children – Support for Children/Youth in Foster Care: Direct support opportunities such as acess to technology, museum passes, and clothing for approximately 30 children in foster care.
- NM-NEW Inc. – Connecting New Elders to their Community: Social Engagement program where we will introduce a panel of community group leaders whose group offerings include social connection around topics and activities relevant to the wellbeing of New Elders who live in New Mexico.
- Northern Youth Project – Northern Youth Project Summer Program: Supporting Youth Empowerment, Exploration, and Expression: Administrative, coordinator, and youth intern positions support to sustain NYP’s summer program.
- Pajarito Environmental Education Center – Extending Benefits of Nature Play through Northern New Mexico: Free science and nature education for toddlers, preschoolers, and their families in addition to training for community educators from around Northern New Mexico.
- Project R.A.C.E. – PROJECT RACE: Substance Abuse prevention with a focus on education and employment, wage support for a part-time assistance to forward initiatives.
- Pueblo of Picuris, Picuris Pueblo Education Department – Higher Education Program College preparatory and career readiness opportunities, financial assistance, and school supplies for Picuris Pueblo Tribal Members pursuing higher education.
- Pueblo of Santo Domingo – Request for Supplemental Funding to Support the 2022 Summer Enrichment Internship Program: Support to provide high-quality intership and training opportunities for Santo Domingo Pueblo youth.
- Questa Creative Council – Questa Creative Council 2022 Core Operating Support: Operational support to further strategic goals of strengthening the historically underserved community through arts, culture, history and education.
- R4 Creating – Career Training and Tech Center- Pop up Innovation Labs: STEAM education and competitive robotics traning opportunities in schools and after-school program across Northern New Mexico.
- Rio Arriba Adult Literacy Program – RAALP’s Next Chapter: Capacity-building support to improve its foundational educational approach with broadened student and tutor support systems.
- Rio Arriba Imagination Library – Rio Arriba Imagination Library Operation Support Grant: Program support to provide book gifting to 600 pre-k children.
- River Source Inc. – Watershed STEM Pathways for Northern New Mexico Youth 2022: Natural resource conservation career pathway exposure opportunities for 20 youth.
- Santa Fe Indigenous Center – Cultural Programs for Harmony and Healing After the Pandemic: Cultural supports including drum-making and singing workshops and classes to support the mental health of the urban tribal community.
- Santa Fe Public Schools – SFPS Parent Academy for Newcomers and Cultural Support: Parent Academy expansion to include workshops and cultural support to new families within the district.
- Silver Bullet Productions – Relevant Teaching Materials for Cultural Education, Supplemental teaching materials for educational films, relevant to cultural sensitivity, history and preservation, for six schools and communities with significant tribal populations.
- The DreamTree Project – Enchanted Circle Corps- First Rural Intermediary AmeriCorps Program in New Mexico- Member Stipend Support: AmeriCorps volunteers’ living stipend support for Enchanted Circle Corps members providing community outreach services in Taos County and along the Enchanted Circle.
- The Paseo Project – PASEO Festival Production Internships: Paid internship opportunities in event production and technical arts training for Northern New Mexican youth ages 16 – 25.
- The Society of the Muse of the Southwest – Young Writers Program: Programmatic support for Young Writers Program, which serves 300 – 500 Taos county-based youth ages 10 to 19.
- The University of New Mexico – Our Relationship with Nature: Co-Creating STEAM Early Learning Experiences: Professional development opportunities for early childhood educators, along with teaching arts, to co-create STEAM inquiry-based projects investigating the natural environment.
- Veterans Off-Grid – Walipini Construction and Planting Workshop: Bringing togehther veterans, farmers, students and community members to build a sustainable walipini in Carson.
Education Outreach Grants
- American Association of University Women Tech Trek New Mexico – 2022 AAUW TechTrek NM: Student accesibility and attendance support for Northern New Mexico 8th-grade girls to attend a STEM summer camp.
- Arroyos Del Norte Elementary School – ADNE Summer STEAM Academy for 2nd-5th graders: Summer STEAM Academy programmatic support for 28 rural elementary students.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Mountain Region – STEAM opportunities and support for kids in Los Alamos/Rio Arriba: Facilitation of STEAM activites and opportunities for Los Alamos, Pojoaque and Espanola children.
- Climate Advocates Voces Unidas (CAVU) – Climate Innovation Challenge Engineering and Implementation Track: Development of an project engineering and implementation track to complimnets the Climate Innovation Challenge.
- College & Career Plaza – College and Career Readiness in Santa Fe’s High Schools: College and career readiness support for Santa Fe high school students.
- Communities In Schools of New Mexico – Communities In Schools of New Mexico Rural Northern New Mexico Operational Support Grant: Development and expansion of the Full Service Community School Strategy and Support model in rural Rio Arriba and Santa Fe counties.
- Cooking with Kids, Inc. – Cooking with Kids Rio Arriba: Hands-On Food and Nutrition Education for Elementary School Students in Rio Arriba County: Hand-on nutrition program expansion to additional Rio Arriba county based elementary schools.
- Earth’s Birthday Project – Celebrate Planet Earth’s STEAM Sunflower Kits: STEAM Life Science Sunflower Kits facilitation for 125 classrooms across Northern New Mexico.
- El Rancho de las Golondrinas – New Mexico Heritage Days Education and Outreach Programs: Funding support for New Mexico Heritage days–a mulit-day prorgam serving thousands of K through 12 students in hands-on history, land use, and nature-based activities.
- Embudo Valley Tutoring Association – Tutoring and Mentoring Support for High Priority Dixon and Velarde Students: Academic tutoring and mentoring support grounded in emotional and executive function for 30 to 40 high need students in the greater Embudo Valley area.
- Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library – Serious Computer Programming for Youth and the Institute for Computing in Research Summer Internship Program: Equipment stipend support for low-income students to access the Library’s computer programming class and mini courses as well as wage support for an Institute intern.
- Gerard’s House – Nuestra Jornada (Our Journey): An innovative school-based program providing grief support and casework for families with immigrant roots.
- IMPACT Personal Safety – Project PREPARE: Keeping Our Children Safe: Violence-prevention program support for Northern New Mexico youth in collaboration with schools and community organizations.
- Los Alamos Makers – In-Classroom Experiential Learning to Encourage Interest in Biotechnology: In-classroom hands-on introduction and professional development support in biotechnology for 30 students and their teachers.
- Luciente, Inc. – Luciente School Food Pantries: Stock support for two Grab-n-go in-school food pantries.
- McCurdy Charter School – McCurdy Charter School FIRST Robotics Team Bobcat Bots #8325: Robotics building materials support as well as FIRST Robotics competition entry and travel expenses for students.
- New Mexico Center for Therapeutic Riding – Self Mastery Program: Equine-assited learning opportunities for at-risk teenagers from Santa Fe Indian School.
- New Mexico Consortium – 2022-Summer Physics Camp for Young Women in NM: 2-week Summer Physics Camp for young women aimed at increasing educational and career opportunities in STEM.
- Partners in Education Foundation for the Santa Fe Public Schools – Youth Transportation – Curriculum-Based Field Trips: Curriculum-based field trip opportunities for 1,600 Santa Fe public school students.
- Questa Elementary School – Meeting the needs of Questa’s Struggling Readers: Professional development in multi-sensory, structured literacy instruction to support struggling readers.
- Reading Quest – Reading Quest Operational Support: Instructional support for at-risk public school students as well as training and mentoring public school educators, volunteers and parents.
- Santa Fe Community Yoga Center – Yoga in Schools – Academic Year 2022-2023: Four, year-long yoga program support in New Mexico public schools
- Santa Fe Concert Association dba Performance Santa Fe – Performance Santa Fe’s Arts for Life Mentoring Program: Arts for Life program support, which provides 600 hours of mentoring and classroom assistance in Santa Fe Public Schools.
- Santa Fe Preparatory School – Breakthrough Santa Fe Instructional Coach Stipends: Wage support for two summer college and career readiness instructional coaches.
- Santa Fe Public Schools – Santa Fe Public Schools: Attendance Cafe Outreach: Attendance success program support to import attendance initiatives throughout the district.
- Santa Fe Raptor Center – Raptor Ecology Education Project: Outreach program development support to assist in the training and utilization of educational birds in the classroom setting.
- Santa Fe Youth Symphony, Inc. – Santa Fe Youth Symphony Association Private Lesson Program: Accessibility support for low-income students to access private music lessons.
- Supercomputing Challenge – Supercomputing Challenge Program Support: Supercomputing Challenge support for participants attending it’s 32nd and 33rd conference.
- Taos Amateur Radio Club – Taos High School – STEM Teaching Foundation: Professional development opportunities for classroom-based Taos High School teachers leading STEM activities.
- Teatro Paraguas – Latchkey Children’s Theatre on Santa Fe’s Southside Develops Well Equipped and Engaged Youth Tuition-free Through Self-expression Training and Performance: Tuition-free, after-school children’s theatre classes and productions for diverse Northern New Mexico youth.
- The Family YMCA – Empowering Middle School Youth: Development of two new and free Y programs for middle school youth including nutrition and fitness and self-defense and de-escalation.
- The Food Depot – The Food Depot, School-Based Pantries for Two Española Elementary Schools: Wage support for staffing of two school-based pantries at Espanola-based elementary schools.
- The Harwood Museum Alliance, Inc. – Harwood Museum of Art SELf Studio: Social Emotional Learning professional development opportunities for 50 5th and 6th-gread teachers across Taos County.
- THRIVE Community School – Social Emotional Learning Supports Strong Learners: Social Emotional Learning curriculum support.
- Truchas Services Center – Truchas Summer Science and Arts Program: Summer Science and Arts Program support for rural students ages 6-12.
- Twirl, A Play and Discovery Space, Inc. – Create-A-Space: Identifying and Creating a Space of One’s Own: STEAM and Whole Child Development program for school-age children to Create-A-Space in the form of a small-scale model that is cultivated individually to identify feelings of safety, ownership and well being.
- Wise Fool New Mexico – Youth from the New Mexico School for the Deaf Learn Circus Arts and Advance their Physical, Social and Life Skills: Circus Arts education at the New Mexico School for the Deaf.
2021 – 2023 Education Enrichment Grants
Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation is proud to announce $1.4 million has been awarded to 35 grantees in its 2021 Education Enrichment Grant cycle. These are 2-year grants, with $20,000 awarded in 2021 and $20,000 to be awarded in fall of 2022.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Big Futures: Big Brothers Big Sisters High School Bigs Leadership Program: Support to develop and implement a Leadership model for High School Students serving as Bigs in our One-to-One mentoring program in schools across Northern New Mexico.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Bridges Project for Education expands access to college and vocational training, primarily for students from historically underrepresented groups through early engagement outreach, individualized counseling, and alumni support.

Grant Amount: $40,000
A Global and New Mexican Art History Course at Chama Valley Schools will guide the participants through a process of inquiry and project-based-learning rooted in the context of their own communities, as well as this pivotal moment in their lives and in our society in which they will develop marketable skills, develop their voices and skills as creatives, and be enabled to make courageous choices to select an educational or vocational path to build towards the best future they can imagine.

Grant Amount: $40,000
CAVU will continue to expand the reach of the Climate Innovation Challenge program in Northern New Mexico with a specific focus on tribal community engagement.

Grant Amount: $40,000
College and Career Plaza provides 1:1 guidance, workshops, and classroom presentations to 9-12 grade students at Santa Fe High School, Capital High School, the Early College Opportunities School and the Santa Fe Indian School.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Communities In Schools' mission is to surround Northern New Mexico's students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Cooking with Kids provides hands-on nutrition education with fresh, affordable foods to over 5.000 public school children in Northern New Mexico.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Presenting Me! Access through Identity and Application" will help El Camino Real Academy students strengthen college and career awareness skills while supporting student identity and community.

Grant Amount: $40,000
The El Rito Art Association (ERA) provides art-based classes, programs to help preserve traditional arts, sponsors an annual El Rito Studio Tour, partners with the Mesa Vista Consolidated Schools in providing art and creativity education for area students, as well as many other art oriented activities for the people of El Rito and the surrounding region.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Environmental Education of New Mexico (EENM) and Conservation Science Center at Highlands University (CC@HU) will partner to support two key efforts for ongoing professional learning across Northern New Mexico: an Outdoor Learning Symposium and a monthly Community of Practice (CoP) to support teachers, educators, and other youth providers in LANL Foundation's seven-county service area in engaging in high-quality, culturally responsive, and meaningful outdoor and environmental learning opportunities.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Explora engages people in rural and underserved communities throughout northern New Mexico through in-person and virtual STEAM programs for children and their caregivers, by distributing non-digital STEAM Learning Kits to families, and by providing professional development to early childhood teachers,

Grant Amount: $40,000
Keres Children's Learning Center, located in the heart of Cochiti Pueblo,
is a Keres-language revitalization school that uses an intergenerational approach to immersion and dual language with Montessori pedagogy to give Keres children (ages 2-12) the best of both worlds: an opportunity for children to learn through their heritage language of Keres while simultaneously accessing an academic curriculum that challenges their intellect and values their whole being.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Las Cumbres Community Services in collaboration with Breaking the Silence New Mexico will partner to improve mental health outcomes for students ages 10-18 in three Northern NM Public-School-Districts, seeking to normalize the discussion and education around mental health as a part of the whole health of the child and to impact system change around stigma, mental illness and suicide prevention.

Grant Amount: $40,000
The Questa Farmers Market internship program employs teens in regenerating the agricultural community in northern Taos County; during the 2022 and 2023 seasons the Questa Farmer Market will expand their participation in the farm to market economy through agricultural education opportunities like farm apprenticing and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Los Alamos Public Schools
Grant Amount: $40,000
LAPS staff members from all school sites are forming MLSS Foundations Teams to engage in the work of Creating Safe, Positive, and Inclusive Learning Environments through implementing the Safe and Civil Schools Framework.

Grant Amount: $40,000
The Santa Fe Outdoor Education Collaborative provides third, fourth, and fifth graders, and their teachers, with high-quality, nature-based science lessons based on the natural environment here in Northern New Mexico.

New Mexico MESA, Inc.
Grant Amount: $40,000
New Mexico MESA provides is a pre-college program providing professional development, mentor opportunities, and college and career preparedness in mathematics, engineering, science, or technology related fields.

Grant Amount: $40,000
The Regional Partnership School (RPS) is an educational partnership among Pojoaque Valley School District, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and New Mexico Highlands University with all three agencies being committed to improving the educational pipeline for northern New Mexico.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Nonviolence Works Inc. Nurturing Center embedded in the Taos Municipal Schools will expand capacity to integrate Social and Emotional Learning in elementary classrooms and Family Navigation services.

North American Digital Fabrication Alliance
Grant Amount: $40,000
NADFA provides career preparedness trainings for high school students for well-paying, engaging, in-demand jobs in New Mexico through collaborative project-based learning programs, micro-certifications, project portfolio development and pre-apprenticeship programs.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Northern Youth Project will create a sustainable and culturally relevant pedagogy, through education and staff support using accessible workshops and community partnerships while employing culturally appropriate educational models to strengthen NYP's organizational framework, ultimately implementing these practices to further empower youth.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEC) will work with Kha'p'o Community School 6th graders to author an educational children's book about the Jemez Mountains and will develop field trips aligned with the book to introduce Northern New Mexico students to the geology and habitats of the Jemez Mountains.

Penasco Independent School District
Grant Amount: $40,000
We are working with staff on developing our welding, culinary, and electrical/plumbing programs, and the LANL Foundation grants have been instrumental in providing funds for materials and support for building regional partnerships to support these programs.

Grant Amount: $40,000
This program deliver a community-based education, which includes cultural, social, and academic services for the connection of community and school that will enhance student learning and cultural heritage.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Reading Quest provides free, school-based, individual weekly tutoring, and two-week-long summer camps, for public school students who are struggling with reading, using Structured Literacy, an evidence-based practice based on the science of reading.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Santa Fe Public School teachers will explore culturally and linguistically responsive instruction and critical bilingual literacies through the SFPS En Comunidad Collective.

Grant Amount: $40,000
This project seeks to inject the Arts into the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in order to cultivate new pathways to success among Indigenous students based on authentic responsiveness to identity, histories, community and social justice.

Grant Amount: $40,000
The founding leadership team of the Social Emotional Learning Alliance of New Mexico advocates for culturally relevant, equity focused, high quality social and emotional skills development across the state and across the life span.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Students served as STEAM Ambassadors for the Space Messengers Mixed Reality installation which will become part of the newly funded STEMarts Apprenticeship program for women and girls to develop 21st century STEM skills combined with the arts for creative expression. community building, and social change with internship and job placement opportunities.

Taos Community Foundation
Grant Amount: $40,000
The SEL Community Catalyst project connects adults and youth leaders in Taos County pre-K, K12, adult education, social services, government, private and non-profit sectors to build a shared understanding of the social emotional skills needed to foster the emergence of vibrant, healthy, and whole human beings.

Taos Land Trust
Grant Amount: $40,000
Taos Land Trust is a thirty-year old non-profit that empowers people to protect the land and traditions they love through education, advocacy, and conservation.

Grant Amount: $40,000
Teach For America New Mexico develops resources to attract and support prospective teachers by providing informational sessions and open consultations to anyone hoping to understand pathways and benefits for teaching in New Mexico, and will offer $500 stipends directly to qualified candidates to support their licensure and testing costs.

The Santa Fe Center for Transformational School Leadership LLC
Grant Amount: $40,000
The Santa Fe Center for Transformational School Leadership (SFCTSL) provides a descriptive model which coalesces a set of theories and concepts along with the tools to implement transformational leadership in a human-centered way. The program is tailored to and builds upon the capacity of faculty and administrators to transform their organizations with new approaches to leadership, teaching and deeper learning experiences.

Grant Amount: $40,000
The ECHO for Social and Emotional Learning is a virtual community of practice for teachers, schools and districts seeking to implement effective SEL through learning from experts and other educators.

Grant Amount: $40,000
YouthWorks is a community-based nonprofit focused on creating opportunities for youth who are seeking to re-engage with their communities through education, job skills training, resource and resiliency attainment and personal advancement.