Congratulations to our 2024 Scholarship Recipients!

Career Pathways Scholarships
In 2024, 44 students are receiving Career Pathways Scholarships totaling $117,000.
For students who have a clear vision of the career they’d like to pursue and are highly motivated to gain the skills and credentials needed to enter the workforce in their career of choice, an associate degree or certification can fast track those dreams. Career Pathways Scholarships are specifically for those who want to earn an associate degree, certification or professional trade credential. These scholarships are available to high school students and adult learners with a high school diploma or GED/High School Equivalency (HSE).
Career Pathways Scholarships are $750 awards per semester up to $3,000 total. Renewal is dependent upon remaining in good academic standing and making progress toward completion.
Career Pathways Scholarship
- Denae Chavez, Los Alamos High School
- Cale Childers, Taos Academy Charter School
- Timothy Coogan, University of New Mexico-Los Alamos
- Jessica Corrales, Northern New Mexico College
- Natalya Cruz Serrano, Capital High School
- Joshua Daigle, Santa Fe Community College
- Elmer Diaz Nava, Santa Fe Community College
- Carla Gasca, Northern New Mexico College
- Joshua Gonzales, Pecos High School
- Destiny Gonzales, Santa Fe Community College
- Omar Granillo, Capital High School
- Chad Kuzmack, Los Alamos High School
- Miranda Lopez, University of New Mexico-Los Alamos
- Jade Madrid, Northern New Mexico College
- Erick Martinez, Santa Fe Community College
- Axel Menjivar, Capital High School
- Gavin Montoya, Robertson High School
- Camille Moquino, Northern New Mexico College
- Christina Pacheco, Vista Grande Charter High School
- Makayla Passmore, PIMA Medical Institute
- Gisele Rivera, Taos High School
- Jenni Rivera, Taos High School
- Jazmyne Rodriguez, Northern New Mexico College
- Alexander Suazo, University of New Mexico-Los Alamos
- Mariah Sweeney-Naranjo, Northern New Mexico College
- Natalia Tafoya, Capital High School
- Arthur Valencia, University of New Mexico-Los Alamos
- Jasmine Vallin Chavez, Capital High School
- Mariah Varela, Northern New Mexico College
- Aylin Villalobos, Santa Fe Community College
Anchorum Health Foundation/ Christus St. Vincent Medical Pathways Scholarship:
- Aranza Chavez, Capital High School
- Jacqueline Delgado, Capital High School
- Rodrigo Lozoya, Capital High School
- Jaqueline Mendoza Leon, Capital High School
Peterson Career Pathways Scholarship
- Lucianne Arguello, Luna Community College
- Kaili Davidson, University of New Mexico-Taos
- Aliza Enriquez, Glitz Cosmetology School
- Michelle Garcia, Northern New Mexico College
- Esperanza Gonzales, Northern New Mexico College
- Annaleah Gutierrez, Taos High School
- Jacob Martinez, Escalante High School
- Destiny Martinez, Northern New Mexico College
Communities in Schools/Venture Scholarship
- Maya Aldosari, Capital High School
- Leslie Gutierrez Chavez, Capital High School
4-Year Undergraduate Scholarships
In 2024, 128 Northern New Mexico students pursuing bachelor’s degrees are receiving 132 scholarships worth $880,000!
Since 1999, The LANL Foundation has awarded more than 2,500 scholarships totaling over $12 million! These scholarships would not be possible without the generous support from the LAESF Advisory Committee and the LANL workforce. In 2023, LANL employees donated nearly $445,000 to the Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund, and Triad National Security contributed $178,000 in scholarship funding.
Scholarships are also made possible by community members who have entrusted the LANL Foundation and the LAESF Advisory Committee to administer their named and endowed scholarship funds.
Gold Scholarship: $20,000
$5,000 per year for up to four years
- Svetlana Backhaus, Calvert Academy
- Daniel Kim, Los Alamos High School
- Arial Maldonado, Escalante High School
Silver Scholarship: $15,000
$3,750 per year for up to four years
- Sofia Alexandrescu, Santa Fe Preparatory School
- Anabelle Caldwell, Taos High School
- Kaitlyn Maes, Taos High School
Copper Scholarship: $10,000
$2,500 per year for up to four years
- Jacqueline Lopez Amaya, West Las Vegas High School
- Cienna Muller, Pojoaque Valley High School
- Mariella Rigales, Saint Michael’s High School
- Elijah Valdez, New Mexico School for the Arts
Bronze Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Cynthia Arevalo, Pojoaque Valley High School
- Khitam Awwad, Academy for Technology and the Classics
- Logan Bermudez, V Sue Cleveland High School
- Marisela Bowie, Pojoaque Valley High School
- Constance Brainerd, Robertson High School
- Shayna Brown, Taos High School
- Riki Byers, Santa Fe Community College
- Bella Caldwell, Santa Fe Preparatory School
- Zoe Childs, Institute of American Indian Art and Culture (IAIA)
- Julia Diaz, Saint Michael’s High School
- Mariebella Duran, Taos Academy Charter School
- Lucia Esquibel, Santa Fe High School
- Adrien Ercolino, New Mexico School for the Deaf
- Laila Fauzi, University of New Mexico
- Adrian Fernandez, University of New Mexico
- Jasmine Ga, Cuba High School
- Nicolas Garcia, Capital High School
- Yulianna Granillo Gomez, Capital High School
- Charnelle Gonzales, Taos Academy Charter School
- Greysen Horan, Escalante High School
- Minhtet Htoon, Los Alamos High School
- Andres Iturregui, Los Alamos High School
- Rosemary Jansens, New Mexico School for the Arts
- Eduardo Juarez Parra, University of New Mexico
- Ella Lent-Koop, V Sue Cleveland High School
- Rebecca Li, Los Alamos High School
- Jade Mares, Taos High School
- Natalia Marquez, Santa Fe High School
- Jennifer Martinez, University of New Mexico-Taos
- Kaden Martinez, New Mexico State University
- Marisa Martinez, Pojoaque Valley High School
- Helena Merlino, New Mexico School for the Arts
- Elaine Mitchell, New Mexico School for the Arts
- Virginia Moore, Santa Fe Preparatory School
- Matteo Nagle, Pojoaque Valley High School
- Addie Oracion, New Mexico School for the Arts
- Marco Otero, Mandela International Magnet School
- Angel Pacheco, Santa Fe High School
- Veronica Parra, Los Alamos High School
- Alejandro Partida, New Mexico School for the Arts
- Tsering Phuntsog, Academy for Technology and the Classics
- Maximus Posada, Los Alamos High School
- Alyssa Roybal, New Mexico Highlands University
- John Salazar, Cuba High School
- Sienna Sategna-Chambers, Taos High School
- Max Shapiro, Georgetown University
- Lola Shropshire, Taos High School
- Calista Sisneros, Mesa Vista High School
- Greta Smith, Santa Fe High School
- Megan Spurgeon, V Sue Cleveland High School
- Henry Tischler, Academy for Technology and the Classics
- Reeve Trujillo, Academy for Technology and the Classics
- Aubrey Valdez, Escalante High School
- David Velasquez, Saint Michael’s High School
- Matias Vigil, Peñasco High School
- Garnet Waldrop, The ASK Academy
- Merrick Word-Brown, Santa Fe High School
Named & Memorial Awards (Multi-Year):
Anchorum Health Foundation/Christus St. Vincent Medical Pathways Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Destiny Muñoz, Capital High School
- Rocio Perez, Capital High School
- Alexa Valdez, Bernalillo High School
Anchorum Health Foundation/Christus St. Vincent Medical Pathways Scholarship: $10,000
$2,500 per year for up to four years
- Evelyn Ayala Villalobos, Capital High School
- Cindy Caraveo, Capital High School
- Aliana Cornflower-Ortiz, Santa Fe Indian School
- Diego Lovato, Bernalillo High School
- Ayanna Martinez, Capital High School
Bryan Fearey & Maureen Connolly Scholarship for Science and the Arts: $10,000
$2,500 per year for up to four years
- Abigail Furlanetto, Santa Fe Preparatory School
Blaine Meyer Hadden Memorial Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Fabian Larranaga, Monte del Sol Charter School
Charles E. & Ellen E. Morris Endowed Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Samuel Pesiri, Los Alamos High School
Climate Change Leadership Institute (CCLI) Scholarship: $8,000
$2,000 per year for up to four years
- Angela Lujan, Santa Fe Indian School
Dell Technologies/ Wildflower International Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Nathaniel Sandoval, University of New Mexico-Los Alamos
Don & Connie Cobb Education Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Jayden Macias, Escalante High School
- Alex Wilding, New Mexico School for the Deaf
Howard Menlove and Jean Marshall Memorial Scholarship: $10,000
$2,500 per year for up to four years
- Charli Koseoglu, Academy for Technology and the Classics
John & Marti Browne Leadership Scholarship: $10,000
$2,500 per year for up to four years
- Jayden Elwell, Cuba High School
- Angel Estrada, Española Valley High School
- Tiffanie Padilla, West Las Vegas High School
- Natalia Sabato, Academy for Technology and the Classics
Marvin Martin Mueller Memorial Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Athena Manzanares, New Mexico School for the Arts
Nancy & Jeffrey Sauer Scholarship: $12,000
$3,000 per year for up to four years
- John Cawkwell, Los Alamos High School
Nelson O. And Esperanza Baca Gonzales Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Alyssa Guerrero, Mesa Vista High School
Northern New Mexico Tribal Business Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Quentin Rebholtz, Taos High School
- Mersais Sanchez, Saint Michael’s High School
Pete & Elaine Lyons Memorial Scholarship: $6,000
$1,500 per year for up to four years
- Cora Bixby, Santa Fe Preparatory School
Senator Pete Domenici Scholarship: $10,000
$2,500 per year for up to four years
- Ariel Cassell, The MASTERS Program
- Emma Frost, Los Alamos High School
- Maleah Garcia-Smith, Coronado High School
- Cruz Ha, Robertson High School
- Madison Romero, Mora High School
- Ricardo Sanchez, Questa High School
- Alyssa Zielinski, Rio Rancho Cyber Academy
Sheila Morris Luna Memorial Scholarship: $20,000
$5,000 per year for up to four years
- Alexis Prairie, Bernalillo High School
Susan Herrera Scholarship: $10,000
$2,500 per year for up to four years
- Samer Khwais, Taos High School
Triad Leadership Scholarship: $10,000
$2,500 per year for up to four years
- Cruzcita Garcia, University of New Mexico
- Taryn Schlosser, New Mexico Highlands University
- Dylan Cialkowski, Rio Rancho High School
- Ava Gerken, Taos High School
- Shiv Antar Khalsa, Los Alamos High School
- Josephine Leeson, Taos High School
- Hajer Maaz, The MASTERS Program
- Marissa Meierdierks, Los Alamos High School
- Jay Myers, New Mexico School for the Arts
- Neve Naktin, Santa Fe High School
- Yuto Oketani, Santa Fe Preparatory School
Named & Memorial Awards (Single-Year):
Alan Johnston Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Thomas Heikkero, Santa Fe High School
Bret Knapp Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Lucas Gurule, Saint Michael’s High School
Dell Technologies/ Wildflower International Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Caitlyn Sandoval, Saint Michael’s High School
- Emlee Taylor, Monte del Sol Charter School
- Nicholas Witkowski, Los Alamos High School
Founders Award Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Chad Kuzmack, Los Alamos High School
LANL Workforce Retiree Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Ashley Vazquez, Tierra Encantada Charter School
Michael A. Hiskey Nursing Scholarship
$2,500 one-time award
- Kaylee Piper, Taos High School
Northern New Mexico American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Gabriella Armijo, Monte del Sol Charter School
- Seth Chavez, La Cueva High School
Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Kenia Figueroa, Española Valley High School
- Rosa Rodriguez, Santa Fe Indian School
Raymond Chavez Memorial Scholarship
$2,500 one-time award
- Marisa Martinez, Pojoaque Valley High School
Tim Martin Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Estrella Alire, Mesa Vista High School
- Alyssa Guerrero, Mesa Vista High School
- Nathaniel Lucero, Mesa Vista High School
- Marcos Martinez, Mesa Vista High School
- Calista Sisneros, Mesa Vista High School
William & Gertrude Fradkin Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 one-time award
- Cruzcita Garcia, University of New Mexico