We are dedicated to increasing equity and access to quality education in Northern New Mexico.
Experience and research tell us that to move the needle in education, we must engage students in innovative, student-centered learning that is hands-on, collaborative, and multi-faceted while valuing individuals' cultural, linguistic, social, emotional, and cognitive development.
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We support school and district leaders in strengthening their leadership and creating conditions for adults and students to thrive in their education ecosystems.
Read MoreRecruiting & Retaining Educators
On Saturday, May 13th, the LANL Foundation honored 16 teachers from Northern New Mexico who have achievedtheir National Board Certification, alongside their coaches and other support providers, at a luncheon at their Española office. The 16 teachers have achieved their certification over the past several years, with Saturday’s event being the first time the group has been able to gather to celebrate due to pandemic-era restrictions.
Read MoreLANL Foundation Celebrates 16 Area Teachers Receiving Their National Board Certification
SEL nurtures our social, emotional, and cognitive development from birth to adulthood. This report is the result of extensive surveys and focus groups with hundreds of teachers and school leaders about their understanding and approach to SEL in their classrooms and schools. Our findings reveal strengths and weaknesses in how SEL is approached in our region.
Read MoreIntegrating Social Emotional Learning in Northern New Mexico’s Schools
New Mexico State University will host the 2022 New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge Showcase event. The event will be held in a hybrid format with the virtual STEM Showcase Dec. 2, and the in-person STEM Showcase Dec. 3 at Corbett Center Student Union.
The NM Governor’s STEM Challenge partners include NMSU, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation and the New Mexico Public Education Department along with various industry partners from across the state.
Read MoreNMSU to host New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge Dec. 2-3, 2022
Paul joined the LANL Foundation in 2022. As the K12 Program Coordinator, Paul focuses on supporting the team’s many projects including the ISEC (Inquiry Science Education Consortium) and NBCT (National Board Certified Teacher) Programs, as well as opportunities to work…
Read MorePaul LeFrancois
What’s the Teacher Leader Cadre? The LANL Foundation’s Teacher Leader Cadre consists of Science Teacher Leaders representing every ISEC school in Northern New Mexico. It has consistently grown and transformed into a high-level support system used by teachers, principals, and…
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We deepen opportunities for teachers to engage in highly effective professional learning that focuses on culturally sustaining pedagogies, social emotional learning, and inquiry-based approaches. We engage higher education institutions and school districts in our region to build bridges to increase teacher and leader effectiveness across a career.
Read MoreSupporting Teachers with Professional Development