YouthWorks programs are structured to aid Opportunity Youth in the development of personal, social and leadership skills while building their educational and job skills through paid work-based learning and through empowering youth to reach their goals while leveraging opportunities and pathways to employment, higher education and community connection.
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Twirl provides opportunities for play-based STEAM learning for children and families in Taos County.
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TK1's mission is to inspire K-12 students to create, communicate, and collaborate in the digital age.
Read MoreTrue Kids 1
THRIVE Community School is a diverse and affirming K-8 learning community that embraces social and emotional learning practices and utilizes evidence-based teaching to advance educational equity.
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The Sky Center/NMSIP's mission is to meet the challenge of youth suicide in Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico through lasting solutions that encourage resiliency, courage, connection and hope.
Read MoreThe Sky Center: New Mexico Suicide Intervention Project
The mission of our organization is to build individual, family and community strength by focusing on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
Read MoreThe Family YMCA
STEMarts Lab empowers youth through art, science and technology to prepare them for the 21st century workplace, with a focus on rural and underserved communities.
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SEL4NM is an alliance of New Mexicans connecting, promoting, supporting, and advocating to help everyone in the state understand the power, potential and purpose of systematic, intentional, universal social and emotional life skills development.
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Silver Bullet Productions is a non profit educational film company that uses filmmaking as the vehicle for preserving culture; we create relevant learning by teaching filmmaking to tribal students and teachers to share their own stories, and by producing quality documentary films on the Native experience.
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The Mountain Center (TMC) is a nationally recognized and accredited 501(C)3 educational and therapeutic organization that, since 1979, has been dedicated to promoting personal discovery and social change among youth, adults, families, and groups through the use of creative learning experiences in wilderness, community, and cultural environments.
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