The New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge has announced its 2024 Challenge Question as it kicks off student team recruitment. Celebrating its fifth year, the Challenge is an annual competition where high school students from across the state showcase their skills and knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to build practical solutions for real-world problems.
Read MoreNew Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge Announces 2024 Question and Opens Registration
LANL Foundation celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund (LAESF) with a celebration at the Governor’s Mansion in Santa Fe on Tuesday evening. Over 125 guests gathered to celebrate the Fund, which has awarded over $11 million to more than 2,300 students. Distinguished guests and speakers included State Representative Susan Herrera, who was also the Founding Executive Director of LANL Foundation, State Senator Leo Jaramillo, co-founder of LAESF Bob Romero, current and former members of the LAESF Advisory Committee, donors, current and former LANL Foundation staff and board members, and LANL Scholars.
Read MoreLANL Foundation Celebrates 25th Anniversary of the Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund
Sixteen students from Española Valley High School have completed this school year already on their way to high demand healthcare careers in their community. The Española Healthcare Career Pathways Project both prepares students to be able to transition into well-paying healthcare jobs while addressing the chronic healthcare workforce shortage in an area that has long been medically underserved.
Read MoreEspañola Students Complete First Year of Innovative Program to Prepare Them for Healthcare Careers
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Foundation is awarding 41 Northern New Mexico students Career Pathways Scholarships. These awards are for individuals who have a specific career in mind and are committed to earning an associate’s degree or certification in any field or trade. They are available to high school students and adult learners with a high school diploma or GED/High School Equivalency (HSE).
Read MoreLANL Foundation Awards 41 Students with Career Pathways Scholarships
On Saturday, May 13th, the LANL Foundation honored 16 teachers from Northern New Mexico who have achievedtheir National Board Certification, alongside their coaches and other support providers, at a luncheon at their Española office. The 16 teachers have achieved their certification over the past several years, with Saturday’s event being the first time the group has been able to gather to celebrate due to pandemic-era restrictions.
Read MoreLANL Foundation Celebrates 16 Area Teachers Receiving Their National Board Certification
Eight teachers in Rio Arriba County and Pojoaque received surprise visits at their schools this month when they were presented with the 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award. The award, a partnership between the LANL Foundation and Northern New Mexico Integrated Security (N2MIS), honors teachers and celebrates the education profession in Rio Arriba County and Pojoaque.
Read MoreLANL Foundation Announces Eight Winners of the Excellence in Teaching Award
The Employer’s Guide to Successful Internships, a free resource published by the LANL Foundation, is now available online to help New Mexican businesses find, develop, and retain local talent. This toolkit, with extensive tips and adaptable resources, guides employers from start to finish, from envisioning and designing a program, to recruiting and interviewing candidates, to launching and mentoring interns.
Read MoreLANL Foundation Releases Internship Toolkit: A Free Resource for Employers to Create Successful Internship Programs
LANL Foundation has announced $1.5 million in grant awards to 48 schools, school districts, non-profits, Pueblos, and tribal communities in their seven-county service area in Northern New Mexico. $1.4 million in Education Enrichment grants was awarded and $100,000 in Community Outreach grants was awarded. Education Enrichment grantees will receive $50,000 over two years and Community Outreach grantees will receive a one-time award of $5,000.
Read MoreLANL Foundation Announces $1.5 Million in Education Enrichment and Community Outreach Grants
LANL Foundation's President & CEO Jenny Parks, Vice-President of Institutional Advancement & Scholarship Tony Fox, and Scholarship Program Coordinator Silvia Aguirre joined host Andrew Balzarini for the latest episode of "A Wild Idea" to discuss the new Dell Technologies/ Wildflower International Scholarship Fund.
Read MoreLANL Foundation staff appear on “A Wild Idea” to discuss the scholarship program
The LANL Foundation has announced this year’s recipients of our four-year undergraduate degree scholarships. 110 Northern New Mexico students pursuing bachelor’s degrees will receive 122 scholarships worth $839,000!
Read More2023 LANL Scholars Announced