We are dedicated to increasing equity and access to quality education in Northern New Mexico.
Experience and research tell us that to move the needle in education, we must engage students in innovative, student-centered learning that is hands-on, collaborative, and multi-faceted while valuing individuals’ cultural, linguistic, social, emotional, and cognitive development.
The Inquiry Science Education Consortium: ISEC initiated early alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards and supported the state in advocating for its NM Stem Ready! Science Standards. The curriculum focuses on physical and earth sciences.
We are dedicated to increasing equity and access to quality STEM education in Northern New Mexico. Experience and research tell us that to move the needle in education, we must engage our students in innovative, student-centered learning that is real and multifaceted while valuing individual critical thinking.

The New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge is a unique partnership between the public and private sectors that fosters the next generation of STEM leaders and innovators from our state. Started in 2019 by then-Secretary Bill McCamley of the Department of Workforce Solutions, the Challenge was created to be both a competition and a collaboration between students, schools, government, and business and industry. These participants have been brought together by the LANL Foundation, which has overseen the Challenge since its inception.