Based on positive outcomes in Home Visiting (HV) and the LANL Foundation’s work to support and expand early childhood programs throughout New Mexico, the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council (ENIPC) governing board initiated a partnership to help improve the health and early development of children in their communities. Through this partnership the Pueblo Outreach Project (POP) was established to conduct research for a community assessment that identifies early childhood and family support resources available to the northern Pueblo communities of Nambe, Ohkay Owingeh, Picuris, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, Santa Clara, Taos and Tesuque. A committee comprised of representatives from each of the Pueblos formed to offer project guidance and support to ensure cultural integrity.
Starting in May 2017, the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council (ENIPC) and LANL Foundation worked collaboratively to build a trusting relationship to strengthen the commitment to support children and families in the Eight Northern Pueblos. The Pueblo Outreach Project worked to provide assistance in increasing recruitment and retention of families in home visitation in the Eight Northern Indian Pueblo communities, as well as equitable access to the programs provided by ENIPC. Phase I included completing a comprehensive community map of individual Pueblos’ strengths, needs, and capacity, developing in the creation of an eight early childhood plans to fit the need of each community. These plans developed included a detailed a logic model for each Pueblo to determine how to best approach implementation in Phase II.
Implementation of the goals created in each of the early childhood plans is still ongoing with most of the goals being met or broadened to fit the current needs of the community. With the project side of the Pueblo Outreach complete the collaborative efforts on going as we continue to address early childhood education, focus on strengthening mental health services, and working towards creating sustainability.