Inquiry Pre-K Pilot Program

If you think that engineering can only be learned in upper grade levels, think again! Inquiry STEM activities designed for early childhood set the stage for further learning in language development and science practices, including basic engineering concepts. The ISEC…

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Apply for 2018-2019 Scholarships

Scholarship Applications Now Accepted: Awards Available for Graduating High School Seniors, Undergraduates & Nontraditional Students Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund (LAESF) is now accepting applications for 2019 awards in two categories. High school seniors enrolling in or undergraduates currently attending…

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Adding an A to STEM

The Science of ISECream & Color Theory: STEAM on Display with Santa Fe Public Schools Dozens of kids were shaking baggies filled with ice and salt that contained another bag inside with cream, sugar, and vanilla at Santa Fe Public…

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2018 ISEC Teachers Institute

Sherwin Sando guides his fellow teachers through a 3rd grade engineering lesson. Peer-Led Professional Development Means a Deeper Understanding of NM STEM Ready Standards for ISEC Teachers It’s no surprise that teachers spend a lot of time outside the classroom planning lessons,…

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