Education is the answer to some of the deepest problems in New Mexico, our nation and our world. And that is what drives the work of the Foundation. We know that by working together with students, educators, communities, leaders, and businesses, we can ignite opportunities previously unimagined.
Our work takes us across the spectrum of cradle to career, inspiring families and learners of all ages. This includes:

The Early Childhood Program at the LANL Foundation is committed to strengthening children, families, and communities in a culturally respectful way. By supporting children (prenatal to five) and their families through leveraging family support systems such as home visitation, they…
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Our K-12 Program grows and bolsters teachers and educational leaders through programming that is highly effective, culturally sustaining, and inquiry based, to create education ecosystems with the conditions for students and educators to thrive. Our three strategic priorities are: 1)…
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We believe everyone has a unique contribution to make and deserves to be able to earn a living doing something meaningful in their community of choice. All youth and young adults should be supported to build upon their assets, pursue…
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The Inquiry Science Education Consortium (ISEC), the LANL Foundation's flagship K-12 program, provides Inquiry STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) curriculum focusing on physical and earth sciences for students in grades K–6 throughout Northern New Mexico.
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Four-year Undergraduate Scholarships are designated for high school seniors and current undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in any field of study. The process is competitive and open to students who are residents of the Foundation’s seven-county service area in Northern New Mexico.
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Career Pathways Scholarships are for individuals who have a specific career in mind and are committed to earning an associate’s degree or certification in any field or trade. These scholarships are available to high school students and adult learners with a high school diploma or GED/High School Equivalency (HSE).
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LANL Foundation’s competitive grants support schools, school districts, non-profits, Pueblos, Nations, and tribal communities in the Foundation’s seven-county service area of Los Alamos, Mora, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, San Miguel, Santa Fe, and Taos counties. Our competitive grants support a spectra of projects that provide innovative community and school-based programming, collaboration, and advocacy for lifelong learning.
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Invitational Grants allow LANL Foundation to strategically partner with schools, organizations, and tribal communities to cultivate innovative programming, further pilot projects, and fund needs not met by our Competitive Grants.
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