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LANL Foundation Announces $140K in Community Outreach Grant Awards

The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Foundation announced Tuesday that 28 community partners will receive $5,000 via the Foundation’s grant program to support education, community health, and family wellbeing, among other priorities. 

May 14, 2024

Española, NM The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Foundation announced Tuesday that 28 community partners will receive $5,000 via the Foundation’s grant program to support education, community health, and family wellbeing, among other priorities. 

The Foundation awarded a total $140,000 in Community Outreach Grants to 28 partners across Northern New Mexico, including pueblo and tribal communities, schools, nonprofits and community foundations in the LANL Foundation’s seven-county service area. Grantees will each receive a one-time operational award of $5,000 and have two years to spend the funding.

“This was our most competitive cycle to-date in the 26 years of the Foundation’s grantmaking. We are inspired by all the amazing work taking place in our communities,” said Sylvan Argo, Grants Manager for the LANL Foundation. “We had over 150 applications in consideration by our committee and staff during review and selections. Every application reflected meaningful and important work taking place in our communities. Our committee members ensure we are living the LANL Foundation’s grantmaking philosophy, which grounds our regional investments in the spirit and practice of Trust-Based Philanthropy, and ensures proposals have reviewers and advocates that have lived experience in our communities of place, practice and service.”

Committee members and Foundation staff considered distribution of investments across all focus areas identified in the Theory of Change, a framework guiding the LANL Foundation’s educational and community mission. Of the award finalists, 15 will provide vibrant learning opportunities, six support strong pathways to college and career, four will focus on whole child development, and three will support creating capable and caring adults.

Themes emerging from this year’s grantees include services that support student wellbeing and education via fulfilling basic needs like access to nutritious food and sustaining community-based organizations that support learning. The committee prioritized proposals offering robust rural outreach and wraparound services and supports.

“The Bridges Project for Education is incredibly grateful to have the LANL Foundation as a partner in our work to address the critical need for increased access to postsecondary education in north central New Mexico. The Outreach Grant funding will play a pivotal role in the launch of our new mentorship program, which aims to expand the guidance and support Bridges offers students by matching them with alumni of postsecondary education in our community. Thank you, LANL Foundation, for believing in access to college and vocational school for all in northern New Mexico,” said Executive Director Hannah Gunther

The following grantees and service areas were selected to receive one-time $5,000 Community Outreach grants:

Providing vibrant learning opportunities:

Supporting strong pathways to college and career

Empowering whole child development

Creating capable and caring adults

Click here to learn more about this year’s grantees. 


Since 1997, the LANL Foundation has been investing in education, learning, and human potential in Northern New Mexico. Through diverse programming and collaboration with key partners, the LANL Foundation works to ensure that all New Mexicans have the skills and confidence they need to be self-sufficient lifelong learners who are engaged in their communities. LANL Foundation is dedicated to the enhancement of students’ access to academic and technical opportunities, leading to quality jobs by supporting college and career readiness in schools, districts, communities, Pueblos, Tribes, and Nations. For more information visit: