Hundreds of students flocked to the Roundhouse on Thursday to advocate for STEAM education across New Mexico at this year’s STEAM Day at the Legislature, hosted by LANL Foundation. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education is a vital part of getting our state ready for the future. Every student in New Mexico should have access to STEAM education so they can develop the knowledge, skills, and practices demanded by the 21st Century.
Read MoreStudents Speak Up at STEAM Day at the Legislature
In an exciting culmination of innovation and creativity, the New Mexico Governor's STEM Challenge took place at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque this weekend. The event, held Saturday, showcased bright young minds in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) with over 40 high school teams participating from across the state.
Read MoreNew Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge 2024 Winners Announced
Today, the national STEMx network announced funding for four states to launch science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education advocacy programs. In New Mexico, LANL Foundation has been awarded a STEMx Challenge Grant which will help support the Northern New Mexico STEAM Coalition to create a statewide plan for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) advocacy and education, as well as support students from rural and Tribal areas to participate in the 2024 STEAM Day at the Legislature, an annual event held at the Roundhouse during the legislative session.
Read MoreNew Mexico Awarded STEMx Challenge Grant
The New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge has announced its 2024 Challenge Question as it kicks off student team recruitment. Celebrating its fifth year, the Challenge is an annual competition where high school students from across the state showcase their skills and knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to build practical solutions for real-world problems.
Read MoreNew Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge Announces 2024 Question and Opens Registration
LANL Foundation's President & CEO Jenny Parks, Vice-President of Institutional Advancement & Scholarship Tony Fox, and Scholarship Program Coordinator Silvia Aguirre joined host Andrew Balzarini for the latest episode of "A Wild Idea" to discuss the new Dell Technologies/ Wildflower International Scholarship Fund.
Read MoreLANL Foundation staff appear on “A Wild Idea” to discuss the scholarship program
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Foundation is now accepting applications for their competitive grant cycle. The Foundation’s competitive grants support schools, school districts, non-profits, Pueblos, Nations, and tribal communities in their seven-county service area of Los Alamos, Mora, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, San Miguel, Santa Fe, and Taos counties. The Foundation also serves Cochiti Pueblo, Jemez Pueblo, Jicarilla Apache Nation, Kewa Pueblo, Laguna Pueblo, Pueblo of Nambe, Navajo Nation, Ohkay Owingeh, Picuris Pueblo, Pueblo of Pojoaque, San Felipe Pueblo, Pueblo de San Ildefonso, Pueblo of Sandia, Santa Ana Pueblo, Pueblo of Santa Clara, Taos Pueblo, Tesuque Pueblo, and Zia Pueblo.
Read MoreApplication Opens for LANL Foundation’s Competitive Grants
In just its first year of existence, the Dell Technologies/Wildflower International Scholarship Fund is on track to be fully endowed by the end of 2023. The first Dell Technologies/Wildflower International Scholar will be named this spring.
Read MoreDell Technologies/Wildflower International Scholarship Will Reach Full Endowment in 2023
As part of LANL Foundation’s partnership with Wildflower International, the first Dell Technologies/Wildflower International Scholar will be named in 2023. Established by a $100,000 gift from Wildflower International with support from Dell Technologies, the soon-to-be endowed fund provides educational scholarships for Northern New Mexico high school seniors and undergraduates pursuing studies in computer science and other technology-based disciplines.
Read MoreFirst Dell Technologies/Wildflower International Scholar To Be Named in 2023
Get a behind the scenes look at our Science Resource Center in Chimayó, New Mexico. This is where our Inquiry Science Education Consortium (ISEC) team assembles STEM curriculum kits focusing on physical and earth sciences for students in grades K-6 throughout Northern New Mexico.
Read MoreBehind the scenes at our Science Resource Center
New Mexico State University will host the 2022 New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge Showcase event. The event will be held in a hybrid format with the virtual STEM Showcase Dec. 2, and the in-person STEM Showcase Dec. 3 at Corbett Center Student Union.
The NM Governor’s STEM Challenge partners include NMSU, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation and the New Mexico Public Education Department along with various industry partners from across the state.
Read MoreNMSU to host New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge Dec. 2-3, 2022