ISEC’s STEM curriculum modules (sometimes called kits) are a key component to facilitating science inquiry in the classroom. The Science Resource Center (SRC), our warehouse in Chimayó, manages the purchasing, catalogs items, prepares them to be sent to the schools, refurbishes materials after they have been used, and coordinates the distribution of modules to schools. When possible, materials are sourced from local purveyors.

Important Dates
- Make-up Teacher Training:
Week of January 9th, 2023 (registration info will be posted soon) - Summer Teachers’ Institute: July 25th-July 28th, 2023
Missing Materials?
Teachers, when you receive the ISEC module in your classroom, use the enclosed packing list to do an inventory of all items. If you find something missing, submit the missing items form with the following information:
- Name of school
- Teachers name
- Curriculum title
- Description / quantity of item
How You Can Help with Pick-up & Refurbishment
The SRC team handles more than 800,000 individual materials from warehouse to classroom and back again! Please help them streamline the refurbishment process.
- Please Return the teachers guide and teacher resource book ready for the next teacher to use. No torn-out pages, please! Guides are expensive to replace.
- Repack all non-consumable items the way you received them.
- Bring the module boxes to your school’s staging area before the pick-up date.
- Email if you find items left in your classroom after pick-up.
For materials assistance or questions, contact the SRC:
Meet the SRC Staff

Monica Herrera

Isaac Ortiz
Learning Materials & Curriculum
The curriculum modules (or kits as they are sometimes called) that ISEC has chosen for grades K–6 provide experiential learning materials and carefully planned investigations and assessments designed to facilitate in-depth learning of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) principles.
Modules are grade specific with a physical science and Earth science focus that aligns with Common Core State Standards as well as the rigorous, forward-looking Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) that we anticipate being adopted by the New Mexico Public Education Department in the near future.

Curriculum Modules
ISEC curriculum modules are developed with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and come from two key sources:
The Full Option Science System (FOSS) was developed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley, and is published by School Specialty Science Delta Education.
Building Blocks of Science 3D was developed by the Carolina Biological Supply Company.

- Physical Science: Push, Pull, Go (Building Blocks of Science 3D)
- Earth Science: Weather Sky (Building Blocks of Science 3D)
First Grade
- Physical Science: Sound & Light (FOSS)
- Earth Science: Air & Weather (FOSS)
Second Grade
- Physical Science: Solids & Liquids (FOSS)
- Earth Science: Pebbles, Sand & Silt (FOSS)
Third Grade
- Physical Science: Motion & Matter (FOSS)
- Earth Science: Water & Climate (FOSS)
Fourth Grade
- Physical Science: Energy (FOSS)
- Earth Science: Soils, Rocks & Landforms (FOSS)
Fifth Grade
- Physical Science: Mixtures & Solutions (FOSS)
- Earth Science: Earth & Sun (FOSS)
Sixth Grade
- Earth Science: Earth History (FOSS)