Build Broadband Equity: Support High-Speed, Affordable Internet for ALL New Mexicans.
Make a contribution to the New Mexico Broadband Equity Fund
Fund Goal: $500,000
- Managed by New Mexico Foundation
- Grants up to $75,000 to non-profit organizations, Pueblos/Tribes/Nations, counties, cities/towns
- Support community & regional efforts to develop collaboration and complete steps to compete for federal and state funding
- Priority list created by NM Broadband Collective
Make a contribution to the New Mexico Technical Assistance and Grantwriting Fund
Fund Goal: $100,000
- Managed by Groundworks New Mexico
- Retain and deploy consultants and grantwriters to support prioritized hard-to-connect communities
- Address gaps in capacity, especially in smaller and most rural communities

Communities Are Being Left Behind
New Mexico’s significant digital divide deprives people of access to jobs, educational opportunities and telehealth services. At least 196,000 homes and businesses in communities across New Mexico don’t have broadband. These communities need both funding and technical assistance now to create solutions that will work best for them and enable them to compete for the unprecedented federal and state broadband funding becoming available. Without this support, these communities will continue to be left behind and risk experiencing less economic growth and mobility, higher unemployment, lower incomes and greater racial inequities.

The Challenge
Many Tribal, rural, low-income, and communities of color in New Mexico lack the resources and support they need to complete the steps required to access federal and state funding so their residents can have reliable and affordable broadband. These include:
- Assessing circumstances, assets & solutions
- Establishing leadership
- Building a community movement
- Completing feasibility studies
- Developing broadband plans
What We Can Do
According to state government and Congressional Delegation representatives, the Collective can best help by:
- Supporting technical assistance
- Helping communities apply for and secure federal funds (including grant writers and matching funding)
- Supporting regional and collaborative efforts and grassroots communications campaigns
- Facilitating coalition building, consensus-building and inclusion of community voices in policy
Who We Are
The New Mexico Broadband Collective was established in March, 2021 to help communities address these gaps. Our goal is to support a statewide approach to ensuring broadband services for all New Mexicans, especially in our rural communities, Native communities, and other “hard-to-connect” communities most impacted by the lack of broadband connectivity. The Collective is managed by a steering committee and includes representation from foundations, nonprofits, government, and private providers. Its workgroups are working to: provide funding and technical assistance to support community and regional efforts; support the equitable and effective use of technology; engage in advocacy and coordinate with federal and state broadband resources and opportunities.