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Audrey Edinger

Taos High School

Audrey teaches (mostly) science at Taos High School. Before that, she worked at TISA – a K-8 arts integrated charter school in Taos, where she taught middle school ELA and social studies. She loves teaching in Taos because her students and their families are so community-minded. Especially during the pandemic, she was grateful and relieved to work in a place that truly cared for each other. She may be biased, but she thinks her students are the best. They’re kind, genuine young people who seek to address issues that affect them and their communities. She loves teaching science because it lends itself to hands-on activities, group work, and labs. She currently teaches 9th grade biology, AP biology, and AVID elective for 10th grade. She has also taught chemistry and world history at Taos High. She’s pursuing her NBC to improve her practice, specifically around differentiation for students who need more of a challenge in 9th grade biology, which is an inclusion class. She also plans to use NBC as a pathway to obtain her level III teaching license.

For fun, she hikes A LOT in New Mexico and elsewhere. She’s a wildflower enthusiast (find her on iNaturalist: “audreyedinger”) and is interested in learning herbalism. She also loves knitting clothes, socks, and homeware.