Professional Development with Alcalde Elementary
In June, staff from Alcalde Elementary in Española participated in a professional development session facilitated by Mike Dabrieo, Education Enrichment Director, and Dr. Kersti Tyson, Director of Research and Evaluation. The goal for the time together was to deepen relationships among school staff, think critically about staff relationships with various stakeholders, and identify leverageable actions to develop stronger relationships with students. The day allowed time for team building, reflection, and action planning with staff that included the school’s principal, Kiva Duckworth, and several teachers. School staff plan to reconvene throughout the school year with LANL Foundation facilitation to continue to reflect and take actions to further develop relationships with students, parents, and each other.

Española Student Resource Fair
On July 30, LANL Foundation joined dozens of community partners to pass out school supplies at the Española Student Resource Fair held at the Plaza in Española. The event was coordinated by Project R.A.C.E. (Rio Arriba Community Empowerment) in partnership with a variety of sponsors and organizations. Hundreds of families attended the event, visiting booths and receiving notebooks, calculators, and a variety of other school supplies. Bryan Maestas, LANL Foundation’s ISEC Manager, supported the planning of the event and facilitated $2,500 from the Foundation to support the purchase of school supplies.
ISEC Teachers’ Institute
The Inquiry Science Education Consortium (ISEC) held their annual Teachers’ Institute the week of July 25th at Northern New Mexico College in Española. Approximately 90 K-6 teachers from across Northern New Mexico attended the four-day professional learning opportunity that supports teachers in learning how to implement inquiry science pedagogical approaches. Teachers’ Institute is held every summer and targets new teachers or teachers changing grade levels in schools that partner with ISEC. In total, ISEC serves nearly 600 teachers in the region in 46 different schools across seven districts. This year, LANL Foundation grantees had the opportunity to share their work with teachers during lunch. Climate Advocates Voces Unidas, Santa Fe Public Schools Native American Student Services, and Social Emotional Learning Alliance for New Mexico all presented on their impactful work and had the opportunity to field questions from educators.